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PostWysłany: Pon 9:50, 07 Mar 2011    Temat postu: 迷人美发的

迷人美发的小招数,deluxe ghd gift set
所有的美人,肯定首先会有一头光滑柔亮的美发!BAZAAR潜心探得世界级大美女保持秀发如云的诸多招数,ghd nobler with diamonds,值得借鉴,hot pink ghd!
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洗完头适度拭干水分,趁发丝还保有水分时,将头歪侧低下来,一边用润发哩均匀抹在发尾,一边用吹风机烘干或用毛巾往上抓干,ghd precious straightener,就能制造出轻盈感.
头发八分干时,ghd purple straighteners,在发尾抹上泡沫摩丝后拨干、拨松,接着利用吹风机将头发烘干,ghd 2010 pink,注意:使用带有风罩的吹风机效果更好,卷度也比较明显.
秀发闪光:当头发干了后,建议先上一层亮泽喷雾,或使用一些亮光发蜡,均匀抹在头发上搓开,尤其是看起来较干的发尾,kiss ghd styler,会感觉较有光泽.
1. 洗发前,一定要先用软毛的梳子把头发轻轻梳理一遍,把打结的头发梳开,同时把表面附着的尘埃和污垢一起刷掉.
2. 在使用护发素前,要先用毛巾将头发擦至半干,ghd rare straightener,吸去多余的水分,有助于护发素均匀滋润每根发丝
Create the Goddess styles for yourself with ghd mark 4 styler and be as well groomed as you are well versed. You also can even curl with it. Do whatever you want with this handy styler. You can choose the new 2010 pink ghd, ghd color collection, precious ghd, purple ghd,dark ghd, pure or dark limited edition, or black, hot pink,ghd midnight collection, kiss pink,leopard ghd, gold, even or the "rare" which comes in a leopard print case.

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