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PostWysłany: Wto 18:38, 25 Sty 2011    Temat postu: tory burch outlet Pigeon virulent strain of Newcas

Pigeon virulent strain of Newcastle disease and molecular characteristics of Isolation

ssellPH, ParsonsG, era1. Antigenicandbiologicalcharacterizationofparamyxovirustype1isolatesfrompigeons-aninternationalcollaborativestudy [J]. AvianPathology ,1985,14:365-376. [3】 Ling Yu. Pigeon Paramyxovirus Type I Avian Research summary 【C]. China Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Infectious Diseases Society of livestock sector credits will be the fifth member of Congress and the Ninth National Conference Proceedings ,2001,146-149. [4】 Wang Yunfeng, Zhou Jinqing, summer long there, and so on. Isolation and identification of pigeon Newcastle disease virus [J]. Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 1999,21 (6) :410-413. [5】 Yang Runde, Wang Yue, Anxi Zhong, et al. Pigeon Paramyxovirus Type I (PPMV-1) isolated and identified 『J]. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2000,26 (7) :21-22. f61 Liu Hua Lei,tory burch outlet, WANG Yong-kun, Yan Weiwei, et al. Avian paramyxovirus type I (APMV-1) molecular biology [J]. Progress in Veterinary Medicine, 2001,22 (1) :16-20. f7] World Organization for Animal Health. Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines [M]. 2004,moncler outlet,140-146. [8】 LiuXF, WanHP, NiXX, WuYTandLiuWB. Patho-typicaandgenotypicacharacterizationofstrainsofNew-castlediseasevirusisolatedfromoutbreaksinchickenandgooseinsomeregionsofChinaduring1985-2001 ∞. ArchivesofVirology, 2003,148 (7) :1387-1403. [9】 Gu Hai, WANG Yong-kun. Pigeon paramyxovirus and its monoclonal antibody research progress [J]. Progress in Veterinary Medicine, 2002,23 (4) :34-38. Solation, identificationandmolecularpropertyofoneNewcastleDiseaseVirus (NDV) frompigeonSHAMing-li,oakley sunglasses, YANGHong-yu, LINShu-qian, JIANGYi-fei, YUKe-xiang (J 『. InstituteofPoultry, ShandongAc ~ emyofAgriculturalSciences, Jinan250023; 2.PrologueandveterinarianworkstationofDaxindian, ofShandongprovince) Abstract: OneNewcastlediseasevirus (NDV) isolatedfrompigeonofShandongwasprovedvirulent , becauseofELD50of107.85. MDTof52.5h. 1.8ofICPI,moncler milano, 2.2ofIVPI. ThecleavagesiteofthevirusFproteinwas112RRQKRF117, andaccordedwithhighlypathogenicstraincharacter. ByanalyzinggenotypeandhomologyofSDZ08andotherNDVstrains, itshowedthatSDZ08belongedtogenotypeVI, andhadlowerhomologycomparedwithtraditionalstrainsLaSota, F48E9,Converse pas cher, B1andV4. Keywords: pigeon; Newcastlediseasevirus; Fprotein; molecularproperty port 12
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